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Katie Martinez, RN, BSN, RM
Jul 26, 20222 min read
Five of the Best Ways to work with your Reiki Practitioner
My last post focused on what happens during a session. Here's some info about what to look out for when seeking and finding a...

Katie Martinez
Feb 3, 20218 min read
What's the difference between spiritual healing- and everything else?
I often have people ask if they should do what I do. There are a few differences between spiritual healing and other professions, that I...

Katie Martinez
Jul 29, 20209 min read
Witchcraft isn't Reiki
... and Reiki isn't witchcraft. This subject comes up in our large community Reiki group about once a week. Every post seems to say, "I...

Katie Martinez
Feb 23, 20199 min read
The Trouble with the Truth
The trouble with the truth.. is that it's not always the truth. In researching for my new Reiki manuals, which I began before I started...

Katie Martinez, RN, BSN, RM
Jan 12, 20192 min read
The Real Healing
I don't often write about my personal experiences with Reiki healing because they could fill a book! When I first started to do Reiki...

Katie Martinez
Aug 28, 20185 min read
Why Reiki isn’t free
Honoring the Reiki precepts

Katie Martinez, RN, BSN, RM
Jun 17, 20162 min read
What happens during an Energy Healing session?
Reiki is a gentle, nurturing energy therapy that is given by laying hands on the body. Some therapists work above the body in the energy...
Katie Martinez
Aug 20, 20154 min read
On living clean and sober
We admitted we were powerless over alcohol - that our lives had become unmanageable. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves...
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