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Katie Martinez, RN, BSN, RM
Feb 7, 20242 min read
Why study Reiki
Reiki isn't a religion, it's a system of healing. Dr. Mikao Usui was on a quest to discover the keys to healing that Jesus and Buddha had...
Katie Martinez, RN, BSN, RM
Jul 26, 20222 min read
Five of the Best Ways to work with your Reiki Practitioner
My last post focused on what happens during a session. Here's some info about what to look out for when seeking and finding a...

Katie Martinez, RN, BSN, RM
Jan 12, 20192 min read
The Real Healing
I don't often write about my personal experiences with Reiki healing because they could fill a book! When I first started to do Reiki...

Katie Martinez, RN, BSN, RM
Jul 29, 20154 min read
Loving what is
This is my path to the seashore. I'm at the beautiful beach in the Panhandle, spending time reconnecting with family. In the past year I...
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